Odds Of Hitting Quads In Texas Holdem

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The odds of flopping a flush when holding two suited cards is 118/1, and the odds of flopping a flush draw when holding two suited cards is 8/1. You should proceed cautiously here, as any player with a higher card of the same suit as your flush has slightly higher than a 2:1 chance of hitting another card on the turn or river to beat you. Poker Odds and Charts Chances of hitting, flopping and holding certain hands. These odds are a must know if you want to advance your game to a high level. For exact odds you can check out our poker hand odds calculator. We rounded the number to the nearest decimal for you. The odds of your second card being an Ace (given the fact that your first card was an Ace) are 3 in 51. Either pocket aces or pocket kings = 109.5-to-1 (0.91%) or; MATH: =(52/8).(51/3) EXPLANATION: The odds of the first card being dealt to you being an Ace or a King are 8 in 52 (4 Aces and 4 Kings). The odds of your second card being the same.

  1. Odds Of Flopping Quads In Texas Holdem
  2. Odds Of Making Quads In Texas Holdem
  3. Odds Of Hitting Quads In Texas Hold'em

Here are some important probabilities in Omaha that returns in different situations. Knowledge about probabilities will help you to better evaluate situations in poker. You will , for example, know when you should call and when you shouldn't, and, vice versa, know when to fold and when the odds are in your favor.

Table 1. Playing situations
Drawing hands probabilitiesOddsPercent
Double wraparound straight draw (e.g. hand: 9-8-5-4, flop: 7-6-x)0.48-168%
Wraparound straight draw (e.g. hand: 8-5-4-x, flop: 7-6-x)0.67-160%
Straight flush draw0.84-154%
Hitting a full house with three pairs 3-124%
Hitting a full house with two pairs5.1-116.5%
Hitting quads with a set21.5-14.5%

Starting hands

Odds of flopping quads in texas holdem

There are many starting hands in Omaha (16.432 if not all suit combinations are counted), which makes it difficult to get an overview. Table 2 will hopefully increase that overview a bit.

Table 2. Starting hand versus average hand
A-A-K-K double suited to win against average hand73%
A-A-K-K rainbow to win against average hand68%
A-A-7-7 double suited to win against average hand72%
A-A-7-7 rainbow to win against average hand67%
A-A-J-T double suited to win against average hand76%
A-A-J-T rainbow to win against average hand71%
J-T-9-8 double suited to win against average hand56%
J-T-9-8 rainbow to win against average hand49%


Exemple of a double suited hand: Q♥ A♥ 2♦ K♦
Exemple of a rainbow hand: Q♥ A♣ 2♠ K♦
The best Omaha hands are less bigger favorites against an average hand compared to Texas Hold'em.
In Texas Hold'em, common knowledge is that A-A is very big favorite against all other hands. In Omaha, A-A as a part of a hand is far from that strong. In general, an A-A-x-x hand versus a random four-card hand is a 70-30 favorite in average (if all the starting hands that are normally folded are excluded, the A-A-x-x hands will be even less favorites).

Made hands versus draws

Odds Of Flopping Quads In Texas Holdem

A typical feature in an Omaha Hi game is a set against a hand with several drawing possibilities. The made hand will not be a very big favorite (sometimes it is an underdog), so the recommended strategy is to play fast and bet/raise the pot in these situations.

Table 3. Made hand versus drawing hand
Top set against flush draw70%-30%
Middle set against flush draw70%-30%
Top set against flush draw + two pairs68%-32%
Set against wraparound straight draw52%-48%
Set against double wraparound straight draw53%-47%
No decimals are used. The numbers are only approximal.


Factors that can affect the odds are for example blocking cards.

Flush draws versus straight draws

Odds Of Making Quads In Texas Holdem

In Omaha, hands with flush draws are often more likely to win than straight draws.

Table 4. Drawing hands
Flush draw against wraparound60%-40%
Flush draw against double wraparound55%-45%
No decimals are used. The numbers are only approximal.


Since that many cards are in action, there are often combined possibilities, which makes it hard to give general percentages. A hand with a flush draw has mostly something else, like a pair or a straight draw as well.

Related article:Omaha strategy

Real Money Poker Games » Texas Holdem Poker » Pre-Flop Odds for Pairs and High Cards


It's always nice to start with a pair in the hole (especially the high kind) because they can often win without any improvement whatsoever. By the same token, an opponent's hidden pair can also often sneak up and beat you.

Here's some odds charts that can give you a way to not only estimate your chances of catching pairs, but to also get a feel for the likelihood of pairs in your opponent's hands.

Hey mobile users or anyone that would like to download, print or view the charts in more detail. Check out the Holdem pair pre-flop odds in high resolution universal .pdf format.

High Card Hands (Unpaired)

Odds Of Hitting Quads In Texas Hold'em

Whoever said that Holdem is a high card game was right. Much of the overall Holdem action involves two unpaired high cards like the typical hands illustrated above. These probability charts will give you some idea of what to expect to be dealt, and how many high card hands are likely to be out there against you.

To download, print or view the above chart in more detail, check out the Holdem high card pre-flop odds in high resolution universal .pdf format.