Craps Rolling Dice Techniques
Since there cannot be any other winning strategy in craps except through a dice strategy, a lot of dice control techniques have been put forward as keys to winning at craps. But 1996 ushered in a new era in craps method of dice control—the PARR dice control strategy.
The Patterson Rhythm Roll or PARR was developed by Chris Pawlicki and Ferry Patterson. It's been one of the most effective dice control every devised for craps. The motions principle of Physics was somehow applied to dice throwing so that it would yield more predictable outcomes. The thing here is that over a period of throwing the dice repetitiously in a certain way or motion technique, there would be a certain constancy in the dice result eventually.
Touching the dice with two hands. It’s exciting shooting the dice, and if you’re a craps virgin, experienced players are going to love having you shoot the dice, too. Just make sure to only use one hand to shake or throw the dice. Using two hands makes the house nervous (as some cheaters try to switch the dice for loaded ones). Dice Control Manipulating the roll of the dice (Dice Control or Dice Setting) is one of the most common methods for cheating in Craps. Holding the dice in a particular grip or throwing it in a certain manner lets players can gain a crucial edge over the house and other players at the table.
The PARR dice control has a ratio of 1:6 dice result; the losing result will appear only once in six tries. Thus, the losing sevens has a slimmer chance of appearing with this throw technique than if we just throw the dice randomly without any throwing motion tactic. The PARR technique claims, with sufficient time of practice, we can greatly influence the dice result through the manner in which we throw them. The frequency of the dice winning result is called Sevens to Rolls Ratio or SRR.
The dice faces are arranged in such a way that a sum 7 can be possible in more ways than one. The bad news is that 7 is frequently a losing number. The trick then is to lessen the occurrence of a 7; if possible, make the chance of a 7 merely once within 7 throws, or an SRR of 1:7. When this becomes possible, then we plan bets accordingly. In this way, the casino odds are said to be rendered ineffective.
With an SRR of 1:7 made possible by a physics principle of arm and body motion and the exact estimated force to propel the dice and considering the bouncing factor, the next thing to have is the right grip with the hand. All this should have a consistency each time a throw is made. Along with this came special dice sets that are designed to yield certain dice results.
Accordingly, PARR technique combinations of the right throw motion, grip, and set of dice really result to an almost perfect dice result accuracy, even done several times, as was witnessed in an actual demo by the SharpShooter.
Craps method of PARR dice control is good to practice for a game said to be won purely by luck.
For years, my favorite casino game was roulette, but then I went through a blackjack phase. Both games were fun, but I’ve left them behind in favor of my favorite casino game of all time – craps.
The game of craps doesn’t offer the best odds in the casino. That distinction belongs to blackjack (with video poker getting an honorable mention.)
Craps doesn’t have game-play decisions which challenge your mind, either. You also can’t win huge jackpots in a craps game.
What makes craps so special?
It’s the levels of excitement in the game.
If you want to improve in craps, here are seven tips that should take your game of dice to the next level.
1 – Stick With the Best Bets at the Craps Table
Craps has more bets available than most other games. And unlike many casino games, the house edge for those bets varies widely.
The house edge is just a way of measuring how much of an advantage the casino has over the player. The higher the house edge is, the more money you’ll lose on average over time.
The house edge for the most popular and easiest bet to play at the craps table is 1.41%, and that’s for the pass line bet.
The come bet works almost just like the pass line bet, and it also has a low 1.41% edge.
Wrong bettors – players who bet against the shooter – have slightly better odds. The house edge for the don’t pass and don’t come bets is 1.36%, which is marginally better.
Those are the four best bets at the table:
- Pass
- Don’t pass
- Come
- Don’t come
The other bet you must know about is the odds bet. This is the best bet in the casino because it has no edge. It’s a break-even bet in the long run because the odds bet pays off at the same odds as you have of winning it.
To place an odds bet (or take an odds bet, if you’re a wrong bettor), the shooter must first make a point. You place your odds bet in addition to the pass or don’t pass bet that you already have in action.
I won’t go into a lot of details about how those bets work. You can find other pages on the site that explain how craps works in detail.
Just know for now that those are the bets you want to stick with.
2 – Avoid the Worst Bets at the Craps Table
In some games, like roulette, all the bets at the table have the same edge. It doesn’t matter if you bet on red or black or on a single number, the house’s advantage is the same.
But in craps, some bets are much worse than others.
I recommend staying away from all the bets besides the ones in the previous bullet points, but if you are going to branch out, at least stay away from the bets that the stickman is trying to convince you to place.
In many cases, the house edge on those bets is well into the double digits. You’d almost be better off playing keno than placing those bets.
These bets are called the “proposition bets,” and they’re all terrible. Most of the time, they’re one-roll bets, which means they’re resolved based on the outcome of the next roll of the dice.
For your own good, just skip those bets.
3 – Try to Keep Your Head
Craps is an exciting game that stimulates a lot of action, and it’s easy to wind up with a lot of action on the table at any time. You can also see huge winning streaks when a shooter gets hot.
The downside to this streakiness is that you can also see all those bets washed away with a single roll of the dice.
A lot of craps gamblers like to place a new bet every time the dice are rolled. Others like to have multiple numbers working at a given time, but they limit themselves to having three or four numbers working at once.
My favorite technique, though, and the one I recommend to you, is this:
- Bet the pass line every time there’s a new come-out roll.
- Place the odds bet when the shooter sets a point.
- Wait until that series of rolls is completed before placing any additional bets.
Think of the house edge in a casino as being similar to compound interest. The more money you save in a bank account, the faster it grows.
Only the house edge in the casino is like compound interest in reverse. The more money you put into action, the more you lose – and faster.
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and put too much money into action.
Keep your head, though, and keep your action reasonable even when it seems like you can’t lose.
Craps Rolling Dice Techniques For Beginners
4 – Don’t Bother With Foolish Betting Systems
Betting systems aren’t as popular in craps as in games like roulette, but they do get used sometimes.
What’s a betting system?
It’s a set of rules for raising and lowering the size of your bets based on what happened on your previous bets.
The classic example is the Martingale System, which is used on even-money bets. The idea with the Martingale is that you double the size of your bet after a losing bet. Eventually, with the bigger bets, you’ll win back what you’ve lost along with a profit.
The problem with these betting systems is that they don’t really change the math behind the game. The house still has a 1.41% edge, regardless of whether you bet $5, $10, or $20.
It can be fun to use some kind of betting system, and if it makes the game more interesting, indulge yourself.
Just don’t make the mistake of thinking that any betting system can overcome the house edge in the long run.
5 – Don’t Worry About “Rhythmic Rolling” or “Dice Control”
You’ll see people selling books and videos about how to control the dice, or set the dice, or how to roll the dice “rhythmically.”
You should save your money, and here’s why:
If such techniques really worked, the casino would institute countermeasures to stop them. Most casinos are comfortable with their existing countermeasures, which should tell you something right there.
Even if it were a possibility, most people aren’t talented enough to pull it off. And sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you practice. If you lack the talent for something, you just can’t make it happen.
Imagine being 5’1” and hoping to play professional basketball?
I don’t care how much you practice, your odds of succeeding in that quest are slim to none.
Most people just aren’t dedicated enough to pull that off, but even if you are – even if you’re willing to build a craps table in your basement and practice for 10,000 hours – there’s no guarantee that you’ll succeed.

You’re better off learning to count cards in blackjack.
Or try poker.

Stick with craps for recreational play and look for other advantage play opportunities.
6 – Use Sound Money Management Techniques
You’ll see varying opinions about money management techniques in gambling. I’m a believer in money management, but not from the perspective that it will improve your odds of winning money. No amount of money management can help you with that.
But the principles behind money management are crucial for craps players. Yes, you should have a bankroll set aside specifically for playing craps.
You should have a clear goal for how much money you hope to win during a session.
You should also have a limit to how much you’re willing to lose when playing.
That might sound like common sense, but why is it so uncommon?
7 – Don’t Forget to Join the Player’s Club
Some people think that the player’s club is just for slots players. They don’t realize that your player’s club should also be used at the table games, too.
All you have to do is present your card to the dealer, and he’ll make a note of how much you’re betting and how many bets per hour you’re placing.
Your card will be credited accordingly, and you’ll get the comps that you’ve earned this way.
Craps Rolling Dice Techniques Free
Those are my seven best tips for improving your craps game, but maybe I left something out? Or maybe you disagree with one of these tips?
If so, let’s talk about it. Leave a comment with your suggestions about how to win more often shooting dice.